
Check in time: 2:00 pm.

Check out time: 12:00 pm.

Early check in is available upon prior notice.

Pets are not allowed. Guide dogs are permitted.

All children under 3 years stay free of charge when using existing beds.

The rooms at the Asterion Hotel are non-smoking.

Please choose accommodation type
Please tell us your name
Please use a valid email, we cannot contact you if you don't!


If canceled up to 3 days before arrival, no cancellation fees will apply. If canceled later or in case of no-show, a cancellation fee equal to the 20% of the amount of your reservation will be charged.


After you have completed your reservation, you will receive an e-mail for confirmation. 20% of the amount of your reservation must be deposited in the bank account of the Hotel as a deposit for the confirmation of your stay.

EPANEK 2014-2020